Does the natural make up trend discriminate against less “naturally beautiful” women? Is it less about body acceptance than about privilege, shame, commerce and control?
That’s the claim.
I found it interesting how this signal about “aesthetic endowment” inequality maps on to grander questions about our inherently different starting lines in life.
Pretty privilege is just one of the harder privileges to quantify - but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have massive real economic and dating-mating market outcome differences.
What gets measured gets manipulated - and women are certainly both there.
Is there anyway to “flatten” unequal endowments without creating more unfairness?
Can we move beyond valuing ourselves from the outside in?
Is heavy makeup actually feminist because it flattens our aesthetic bell curves? 😅
Start a conversation- that’s what us futurists do : drag the elephants in the room into the center of the floor and force you to confront them.
Read more :
Pretty privilege:
The (filtered) future of us :
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