Today I look at the future of affirmative action, and some proposals to replace legislated hiring quotas (which have recently been dealt legal and constitutional blows in both the USA and SA) with diversity or "adversity scores" - or effectively human handicap scores.
Of course, if you have ever read Seeing Like a State, you may spot some issues with these best laid plans... what gets measured (quantified), gets managed, gets manipulated...
What are your thoughts?
Was affirmative action working as intended?
Are "diversity scores" a viable solution or are attempts to quantity intersectional privilege / anti-privilege as fundamentally flawed as we are?
What does all this say about our values and how we value each other?
Let me know!
Read more:
Seeing like a state :
The end of affirmative action as we know it? in the USA : and SA
Adversity scores and human handicaps :
The future of us :
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