How do you feel about sharing your thoughts - but literally?
Researchers are training AIs to read your mind with a disconcerting degree of accuracy - words as well as pictures - using non-invasive means.
Is this nudging us closer to an "open air prison" society, where we are all guilty until proven innocent? - And having to prove that innocence constantly by submitting not just to facial recognition CCTV in the streets, but also brain monitoring - for our own good (to make sure our thoughts are not exposing us as stressed, depressed or suicidal) and for the good of others (to make sure we are not even thinking naughty thoughts that could cause others harm, or even prove that we are not giving our employers the attention they have paid us for!)
Or is the privacy-security trade off over rated?
Can we have full trust in each other without full transparency?
Will thought sharing bring us closer together with more empathy, or drive us further apart as we are unable to hide our true (not always pretty feelings)
Or do the innocent have anything to fear?
And does science's move towards what was once the realm of magic but now made real make you excited or fearful? (You are entitled to feel both at the same time!)
Anyway, I for one am, sure glad I never had to work in an office with "cognitive ergonomics" attached to brain monitoring devices as proposed by a speaker at the WEF earlier this year!
I think we need some room for faith based trust and secrets too...
Read more:
Are you ready for “brain transparency”? The WEF wants to know!
AI knows the words you are thinking :
AI knows the pictures you think in too!
The future of work (and us) :
The (false) privacy- security trade off (and that's before mind reading) :
When risk becomes harm :
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