Why is conservatism back in fashion in Europe?
Is the nudity recession correlated with our general economic malaise?
And are hemlines associated with optimism?
Today I look at our historical fashionable relations with the state of our economy - and why Europe is getting shy again.
Let me know your thoughts.
Are ideas around Degrowth and cultural conservatism bedfellows? And whatever happened to body positivity?
More thoughts :
Conservative is so in right now : https://www.economist.com/europe/2024/08/15/the-great-cover-up-europe-is-losing-its-penchant-for-public-nudity
Hemline economics : https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hemline_index#:~:text=The%20hemline%20index%20is%20a,the%201929%20Wall%20Street%20Crash.
Futurenomics : https://fluxtrends.com/the-business-of-disruption-futurenomics-edition/
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