was misunderstood. We were not talking deglobalization, we were trying to explain that corporations are living creatures looking after their own survival with no regard to human interest.
Colossus is currently the main user of scenarios. Needs to be tamed with preferred human centered futures that does not threaten its own evolution.
Hello, was referred to you as a member of BioStrategy Ouija Board of Directors.
We need a new Scenario.
Current Scenario is 24 years and obsolete.
Scenarios were supposed to be developed every 5 years, now even more often. This one
was misunderstood. We were not talking deglobalization, we were trying to explain that corporations are living creatures looking after their own survival with no regard to human interest.
Colossus is currently the main user of scenarios. Needs to be tamed with preferred human centered futures that does not threaten its own evolution.
Reaching out.
A. Friend
Not so much a surprise if you do a certain act.
Knock-on effects leading to knock-up effects
I love a pun
wonderful side effect. Double the pleasure. Risks also there, such as slight increased risk of getting tumors