New signal! Occupation artists!
Or the TikTok influencers teaching people to hijack private property (with the support of the law) by taking advantage of loopholes in squatting laws.
The overt brazenness of the trend got me thinking about the fragility of society and our perhaps naive belief in our “rights” as citizens a which rights win out in the market, so to speak. Is the right to private property greater than that right to housing?
Do laws that have such gaping loopholes make mockery of the idea of society?
Does and should common law trump legal law in a pinch?
Is might right? (Or only when the state wields it? 🤔)
Can “network states” and bitcoin protect you against “occupation artist” OR the might of the force weilding law?
Are property rights even rights?
What does this say about the future sustainability of the current housing / house price crisis?
And have you read the Mandibles?
Read more:
Artists, I tell you :
The Mandibles :
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