I wonder how much of this acceptance is because of how parents now effectively do the same to their kids. Monitor their every move with bluetooth devices, drop in on their conversations on Alexa, watch their screentimes from their own phones etc etc. Adults are so used to using surveillance on their children now, maybe they expect and accept it from their 'parents', too?

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Not sure if the equivalence drawn between search warrants and AI/facial recognition policing is entirely valid.

The former is about your private space, and that's still the same because no one's looking into your home. The latter is about what you do in public spaces, which, if you had to draw a parallel from the past, is the equivalent of doing stuff in public under a constable's eye.

Is it comfortable? No. But is it better for public safety? For today's times, I'd say yes with a heavy caveat on who's doing the policing and how. It can definitely turn to oppression under the wrong hands.

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