There's an old BBC documentary series called Nippon available on YouTube. As a product of the late 1980s, it's a fascinating time capsule of Japanese opulence frozen right before the bubble burst.

There's a part of the documentary where Shinto priests are brought in to bless FANUC robots. It's an almost uniquely Japanese phenomenon, as Shinto inherently imbues spiritual characteristics to all inanimate objects. We've seen this in Japanese pop culture since the days of Astro Boy, and the mecha genre of Shonen has always included a subgenre of "spirtual robots."

I wonder how much this phenomenon will take root in the rest of Asia as Buddhism and Hinduism do not have this concept of inanimate spirit the way Shinto does.

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Seen the AI delivered masses in Germany?

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Yes. Very unsettling, but not unsurprising coming from the birthplace of the last great religious Reformation of the Western world!

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yeah, the difference between religion.. and true Christianity: procedures/rituals vs relationship

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I love it. Hilarious but also informative because I'd never heard about this before. Outsourced religion!

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Thanks! As a court jester I try to entertain as well as inform

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I'm down for it. Humor often makes the truth less threatening and more palatable.

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