BRONWYN WILLIAMS, when it comes to human eggs, there is an interesting arbitrage opportunity in frozen Dutch women Eggs. Since we know that you are not interested in money, we will not tell you about it.


Enjoy the catch.

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Imagine the value of chickens then…. Why don’t we make hens a status symbol - kill two birds , so to speak..

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Eggs, and I assume you imply CHICKEN Eggs, is the most stable value in terms of exchangeable commodity. Then you include "access to healthcare" in the Things We Need Category. I find it difficult to categorize "designer clothing" with consumables like Whiskey. Maybe you haven't noticed that Leather and Mink are actually Petroleum Products. I guess you were to busy walking like an Egyptian to have noticed when the propagates of the new social outlook foisted that upon you. Have another Wise Water in the fashionable slender non-renewable shape.

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